Tin Man - America
00:00 / 00:00
Tabs and lyrics
Tunning: Standard (E A D G B e)
I've seen some other tabs with different combinations, and I came with (YET)
another one, the first combination of every part is more challenging than the
second one, so I'd use the second if your fingers are not very used to these
positions. This one is a simple one I strongly recommend to beginners!

Also: I'm not too sure about the name of combinations, so might be G or B...

Listen to the song to get the rythm, might be challenging at first but I'd put a
lot of effort into getting it right since it's the heart of the song.

Sometimes late when things are real...
e|-3-3|---5-5--| |-3-3|---5-5-| Both sound pretty much alike, though I
B|-5-5|---3-3--| |-5-5|---5-7-| prefer to play the first one.
G|-5-5|---5-5--| |-5-5|---7-7-| Just play the chord with the low note (D) on
D|-0--|-0-0----|OR|-0--|-0-0---| the first sound, then just the high notes
A|----|--------| |----|-------| along with the rythm. The second combination
E|----|--------| |----|-------| uses the low string then same as the first.

Sometimes late when things are real...
B C7 F Dm
e|-2-|-3--| |-2-|-3-3--|
B|-3-|-5--| |-3-|-1-1--| The key on the second combination is to let ring
G|-4-|-4--| |-4-|-2-2--| the low note just as the previous example.
D|-5-|-5--|OR|-5-|-0----| The next one starts after the second sound of this
A|-2-|-3--| |---|------| combination, listen carefully to the change.
E|---|----| |---|------|

But Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man...

e|--7-|-2--| |-4-|-2--| |-3-|-2--| Mix those combinations to your taste,
B|--8-|-3--| |-4-|-3--| |-1-|-3--| as said, the first one is prefered.
G|--9-|-4--| |-4-|-4--| |-2-|-4--| No low note on this one as the first
D|-10-|-5--|OR|-2-|-5--|OR|---|-5--| sound wants rather a high sound.
A|----|-2--| |---|----| |---|----| The rythm changes significantly on the
E|----|----| |---|----| |---|----| first chord strumming!

So please, believe in me.

e|-3-3-|---5-5-| |-3-3-|---5-5--|
B|-5-5-|---3-3-| |-5-5-|---7-7--| Just like the INTRO, the BRIDGE ends
G|-5-5-|---5-5-| |-5-5-|---7-7--| somewhere in the CHORUS line itself,
D|-0---|-0-0---|OR|-0---|-0-0----| around "When I say..."
A|-----|-------| |-----|--------| Let low notes ring.
E|-----|-------| |-----|--------|

When I say I'm spinning round, round, round, round...

e|-2-|--7-| |-2-|-3--| |-4--|
B|-3-|--8-| |-3-|-1--| |-4--|
G|-4-|--9-| |-4-|-2--| |-4--| on the second sound, but doesn't sound as
D|-5-|-10-|OR|-5-|----|OR USE|-2--| smooth as these combinations.
A|-2-|----| |---|----| |----|
E|---|----| |---|----| |----|


e|-2-(2)--| |-2-(2)--|
B|-3-(3)--| |-3-(3)--|
G|-4-(4)--| |-4-(4)--| (Let Ring)
A|-2-(2)--| |--------|
E|--------| |--------|

Here's the combinations in the song's order:
VERSE (No lyrics just Backing Vocals)
Song info
Tin Man
  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Soft Rock
  • Vocal
Similar songs
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