Mr Scary - Dokken
00:00 / 00:00
Tabs and lyrics
Tunning: Standard (E A D G B e)
Written By:G.Lynch,J.Pilson
Album:Back For The Attack

t - tapping
p - pull-off
h - hammer-on
// - tremelo picking
x - rake
x\ - pick slide
- degree of whammy bar dive (- is push down,+ is pull up)
a.h. - artificial harmonic
p.m. - palm muting
s - slide (/ is up,\ is down)

h h p p p p h
|p.m.-------------------------------------------| |p.m.-----

h s s s h
-----------------------------------| |p.m.---------------------

h p p p p h h
----------------------| |p.m.-------------------------------

h p p
-----------| |p.m.-----------------------| |p.m.------

p p p p p p
--------------------------------------------------| |p.m.------------



h p p h p p h p p s p

p s p h p s h p VVVVVVV

s s h h

p p s
a.h. h p rake s -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1VVV

VVVV (gradual bend)VVVVVV p a.h. p

VVVVV (w\Flanger)------------| s

p s s

s h p
|p.m.-----------------------| |p.m.-----------------

h p h h
------------| (two guitars)


s s

h p h p h h p p h p p h p h p h p

s h p

p p p p p p p p s

h p

* * s h
(*-pull up on bar)

s h p
|p.m.-----------------------| |p.m.------------

p p p p *(w\feedback) s
---------------| |p.m.-----------------------|

a.h. s s
|p.m.-------------------| |p.m.-------------------|

s s
|p.m.-------------------| |p.m.--

s p h s
-------| |p.m.-----------------| |p.m.----------|

s p h s h
|p.m.-------------------| |p.m.---------------------|

s p h h s p

p h p p h

s p h p s h s

h p h p h p h p h p h p h p h

p h p h p p h p p h p p a.h.

p h s p p p p s p

* h t s h h p h p h h h

s h p s h p s h p h h p h p h p h p p

p h h p p p h h h p p h h h h

s p p

p p h p h p p h h

p h s p h ah


s s s *-1 -1

-1 -1 -1 p s (w\feedback) h ah

s s p s h p s

h s h h p h

p h h p p h h s s h h h p


Song info
Mr Scary
  • Rock
  • Heavy Metal
Alternative tracks
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