I Alone - Live
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Tabs and lyrics
Tunning: Standard (E A D G B e)
I ALONE - Live
Tabbed by: Asprology21
Email: benremmert@hotmail.com

Tuning: Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Bb, eb

It’s easier not to be wise…

… Leave you there by yourself chained to fate

I alone love you… Fear is not the end of this

Oh now, we took it…

Well, That’s it. Very simple, but powerful. With the bridge, there’s heaps of room to
around, and very hard to mess up.


| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note

Tunning: Standard (E A D G B e)
I Alone

Performed By: LIVE
From the Album: "Throwing Copper"
Lyrics Written By: Edward Kowalczyk
Music Written By: LIVE

Eb(D#) Tuning (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb eb) Low to High
(D# G# C# F# A# d#) Low to High


There are a lot of tabs for this song, and it seemed like
no matter which version I played, it never sounded quite
right. I decided to have a go at tabbing this myself, and
I feel like my version is the more accurate of all.

For example, there are obviously ONLY POWERCHORDS played
throughout the song, I found that playing them gave the
song a "darker" sound and feel to it, which fits better
with the song, IMO. Also, whenever I listened to the song,
it never sounded to me like open chords were being played at all.
I think powerchords are more acceptable.

Also, using powerchords would make more sense, as the
b and high e strings are played open during the verse.
This is so obvious for one to detect, I can't believe
that nobody was able to tab it correctly.

Finally, the tabs for the bridge that I have seen have been incorrect;
not utilizing the chords that the notes are based around, etc.
I feel like the bridge that I have tabbed is close to, if not 100%.


Chords used in order of appearence:
(Low to High)

G5 | 3 5 5 x x x

D5 | x 5 7 7 x x

C5 | x 3 5 5 x x

B5 | x 2 4 4 x x

A5 | x 0 2 2 x x

E5 | 0 2 2 x x x

Verse 1 (0:00)

Strumming pattern for C5 (ALL verses):

d d d u u u d u d u

G5 D5 C5
It's easier not to be wise

G5 D5 C5
and measure these things by your brains

G5 D5 C5 G5 D5 C5
I sank into Eden with you, alone in the church by and by

G5 D5 C5
I'll read to you here; save your eyes

G5 D5 C5
You'll need them; your boat is at sea

G5 D5 C5
Your anchor is up, you've been swept away

G5 D5 C5
and the greatest of teachers won't hesitate

B5(let ring) B5(let ring) B5 B5 A5 A5
to leave you there by yourself, chained to fate, yeah

Chorus 1 (0:48)

E5 B5 G5 G5 E5 B5 G5 G5
I alone love you, I alone tempt you

E5 B5 G5 G5 A5(strum away!)
I alone love you. Fear is not the end of this!

E5 B5 G5 G5 E5 B5 G5 G5
I alone love you, I alone tempt you

E5 B5 G5 G5 E5(strum away!)
I alone love you!

Verse 2 (1:09)

G5 D5 C5
It's easier not to be great

G5 D5 C5
and measure these things by your eyes

G5 D5 C5
We long to be here by his resolve

G5 D5 C5
Alone in the church, by and by

G5 D5 C5
To cradle the baby in space

B5(let ring) B5(let ring) B5 B5 A5 A5
and leave you there, by yourself, chained to fate, yeah

Chorus 2 (1:41)

E5 B5 G5 G5 E5 B5 G5 G5
I alone love you, I alone tempt you

E5 B5 G5 G5 A5(strum away!)
I alone love you. Fear is not the end of this!

E5 B5 G5 G5 E5 B5 G5 G5
I alone love you, I alone tempt you

E5 B5 G5 G5 E5(strum away!)
I alone love you! Yeah...........

E5 B5 G5 G5 E5 B5 G5 G5
I alone love you, I alone tempt you

E5 B5 G5 G5 E5(strum away!)
I alone love you! Yeah...........

Bridge (2:14)

B5(let ring)
*After letting B5 ring, play open high e once.
Repeat this, then fade into feedback

Note: There is a lot of feedback going on during the
bridge, however, the following fill is played
(very quietly and quickly) under the feedback.
Repeat this until the change to B5 shown):

d d u d u d u

Oh now, we took it back to far, only love can save us now

All these riddles that you burn, all come runnin' back to you

All these rhythms that you hide; only love can save us now

B5 G5 G5
All these riddles that you burn... Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Chorus 3 (2:44)

E5 B5 G5 G5 E5 B5 G5 G5
I alone love you, I alone tempt you

E5 B5 G5 G5 A5(strum away!)
I alone love you. Fear is not the end of this!

E5 B5 G5 G5 E5 B5 G5 G5
I alone love you, I alone tempt you

E5 B5 G5 G5 A5(strum away!)
I alone love you! Yeah...........

E5 B5 G5 G5 E5 B5 G5 G5
I alone love you, I alone tempt you

E5 B5 G5 G5 A5(strum away!)
I alone love you! Ah-ha!!

E5 B5 G5 G5 E5 B5 G5 G5
I alone love you, I alone tempt you

E5 B5 G5 G5 E5
I alone love you!

Note: Let G5 ring, then fade into feedback


Song info
I Alone
  • Rock
  • Acoustic
  • Alternative Rock
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