Lightning Crashes - Live
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Tabs and lyrics
Tunning: Standard (E A D G B e)
Lightning Crashes

Performed By: LIVE
From the Album: "Throwing Copper"
Lyrics Written By: Edward Kowalczyk
Music Written By: LIVE

Eb(D#) Tuning (Eb Ab Db Gb Bb eb) Low to High
(D# G# C# F# A# d#) Low to High


There are a lot of tabs for this song, and it seemed like
no matter which version I played, it never sounded quite
right. I decided to have a go at tabbing this myself, and
I feel like my version is the more accurate of all.

For example, instead of a standard C being played throughout
the song, I found that playing a C5 gave the song a "darker"
sound and feel to it, which fits better with the song, IMO.
Also, whenever I listened to the song, it never sounded to me
like a C was being played. I think a C5 is more acceptable.

Also, the tabs for the bridge that I have seen have been incorrect;
not utilizing the chords that the notes are based around, etc.
I feel like the bridge that I have tabbed is close to, if not 100%.

Finally, there are obviously power chords being played towards
the end of the song, instead of the standard chords. This makes
the song more powerful towards the end, and sounds better IMO.

Chords used in order of appearence:
(Low to High)

F | 1 3 3 2 1 1
C5 | x 3 5 5 x x
G | 3 5 5 4 3 3
Am | x 0 2 2 1 0
B5 | x 2 4 4 x x
F5 | 1 3 3 x x x
G5 | 3 5 5 x x x
G5* | 3 3 5 5 3 3

(w/flange effect)
F C5 G

Strum pattern:
(Note: Listen to the recording for a better idea)

F C5 G

(Play twice, then into verse 1)

[Verse 1]
(w/flange effect)
F C5 G
Lightning crashes, a new Mother cries
F C5 G
Her placenta falls to the floor
F C5 G
The Angel opens her eyes, the confusion sets in
F C5 G
before the Doctor can even close the door

[Verse 2]
(without flange effect)
F C5 G
Lightning crashes, an old Mother dies
F C5 G
Her intentions fall to the floor
F C5 G
The Angel closes her eyes, the confusion that was hers
F C5 G
belongs now, to the baby down the hall

[Chorus 1]
(Note: there is a change in strum pattern here from what
is played during the verse (as with every other chorus).
Listen to the recording to get how it's played)

F C5 G
Oh now, feel it comin' back again
F C5 G
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
F C5 G
Forces pullin' from the center of the Earth again
F C5 G
I can feel it

[Verse 3]

F C5 G *
Lightning crashes, a new Mother cries
F* C5 G* G**
This moment she's been waiting for
F* C5 G** F
The Angel opens her eyes: pale blue colored iris
C5 G ** G**
Presents the circle, puts the glory out to hide... hide

Note: There are little "fills" that are played after each chord
with a (*). They are played after strumming each chord
once. After they are played, continue to strum each chord
as normal. They are as follows (listen to the recording):

F* G*
D#|--1----1--------| |--3----3(let ring)--|
A#|--1-------1-----| |--3-----------------|
F#|--2----------2--| |--4-----------------|
C#|--3-------------| |--5-----------------|
G#|--3-------------| |--5-----------------|
D#|--1-------------| |--3-----------------|

G** * **
D#|--3----3--------| |--3-----| |--3(let ring)--|
A#|--3-------3-----| |-----3--| |---------------|
F#|--4----------4--| |--------| |---------------|
C#|--5-------------| |--------| |---------------|
G#|--5-------------| |--------| |---------------|
D#|--3-------------| |--------| |---------------|

[Chorus 2]
(Note: Listen for the change to G5 at the end.
Crank up the distortion)!!

F C5 G
Oh now, feel it comin' back again
F C5 G
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
F C5 G
Forces pullin' from the center of the Earth again
F C5 G5
I can feel it
F5 C5 G5
I can feel it.....


* Am B5 G ** F G

(Play (*) three times, then play a 4th time, adding (**))
(Repeat, this time over lyrics):

Oh why?
Oh why?
Oh why?

[Chorus 3]

F C5 G
I can feel it comin' back again
F C5 G
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
F C5 G
Forces pullin' from the center of the Earth again
F C5 G5
I can feel it

[Chorus 4]

F5 C5 G5
I can feel it comin' back again
F5 C5 G5
Like a rollin' thunder chasing the wind
F5 C5 G5
Forces pullin' from the center of the Earth again
F5 C5 G5
I can feel it

(Repeat once, then add the following):

F5 C5 G5
I can feel it
F5 C5 G5
I can feel it

(Note: Exaggerated downstrums on G5* and G)

F G5* G


| x Dead note
| h Hammer-on

Song info
Lightning Crashes
  • Rock
  • Alternative Rock
Alternative tracks
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