The Cataclysm - Takayoshi Ohmura
00:00 / 00:00
Tabs and lyrics
Tunning: Standard (E A D G B e)
Tuning is half step down from standard E. I used the video performance on
youtube to tab this, but the studio version is pretty much exactly the
same. I did use the video on youtube with the examples (in the video you
will see "Ex. 1" "Ex.2" etc.) so those parts I claim no credit for. This
song uses Hybrid Picking (chicken picking) on many of the string jumps. Be
prepared for a callus or a blister or two.

Performance I used to tab this song:































Note: For the beginning of the above line, tap the 21st fret, the note played will be
of the 23rd fret.



Note: open Ab string is muted with fretting hand ring finger in the most recent riff.





















Song info
The Cataclysm
Takayoshi Ohmura
Alternative tracks

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